I always feel I'm cheating. You smile you as though it's never enough.
We make it seem so easy - some people have it rough.
You start to mark my weepings and the sun takes over your eyes
And all this air we're breathing, full of excuses and several lies
YES I wanna be happy. I wanna be happy. I wanna feel good..!!
There're so many stars stealing the view from my bed
So nostalgic they won't give it a rest!
And all those clouds are thickening the air -
Full of misty flickers of your loveds and careds
And how the night just bears what time fights you over
And what you're pretty sure you just can't spare
music and lyrics by Adaam James Levin-Areddy
ft. Nadia Schleicher
guitar and more vocals by Tomer Navot
clip by AJLA and Dor Raz
co-produced by Emma Vais
edited on Tomer's Computer